This year, the Network X event has taken place in RAI, Amsterdam between 18 – 20 October, 2022 and has combined telecommunication industries’ biggest events such as Broadband World Forum, Wireless Global Congress, 5G World and Telco Cloud.
Network X was especially packed with great insights and brilliant speakers as it gathered people all over the world for the biggest topics around 5G, Open-Source, future of the broadband, Fiber, AI, Cloud and many more.
Like previous years, Lifemote Networks has attended the event and placed its own booth on the event venue for Broadband World Forum, welcoming all visitors, partners, customers and friends. This year also, Lifemote Network’s Research team followed the Wireless Global Congress closely as Lifemote has became a member of the Wireless Broadband Alliance this year.
We had the opportunity to publish a press release regarding a customer update prior coming to event. If you would like to learn more about it please check our blog post on that.
We had a blast on this year’s Network X event. We had the pleasure of hosting meetings with our customers, partners and as well as prospects to talk more deeply about the Home Network Assurance. As a leading provider for cloud-based Wi-Fi Analytics, we showcased our products and services around improving Quality of Experience of the subscribers of the service providers. We will continue attending to industry events such as Network X to help service providers offer seamless Wi-Fi experiences to their subscribers.
We had the chance to reunite with our friends and partners during the event.
We would like to take the time for thanking to all visitors that stopped by, to all our customers for the continuous relationship and smiles, to our partners that work closely with us and to our friends that we have not seen for a long time. It was great catching up and we will all together continue to create value for the industry.
We also would like to thank the organizers for an excellent event experience and awesome hospitality.
See you next year.